This guide was brought about when I attempted to sell a Tod's handbag for a friend, who had presumed it to be authentic, and it turned out it was not. I would like to thank my very helpful and knowledgeable buyer for helping to educate me in the world of Tod's handbags! Very little information exists regarding the details that make a Tod's bag authentic. Tod's bags feature a superior quality of construction that is, first and foremost, the key to an authentic Tod's bag. Beyond that, only a few details exist that can truly distinguish an authentic bag from a fake one.
The lining of a Tod's bag is one way to spot a fake rather quickly. Most of their bags are lined with a simple, smooth canvas fabric usually in black or a light brown color. There is never two different fabrics in the main bag area and the inside pocket for a bag produced for Tod's boutiques. Very rarely you might find two-fabric interiors in bags made solely for their outlet stores. One example I have seen has this arrangement but it is in an entirely different fabric as well, not the usual canvas. One other lining Tod's bags may have is full leather interiors, which are popular now on many of their current styles.
The lining of a Tod's bag is one way to spot a fake rather quickly. Most of their bags are lined with a simple, smooth canvas fabric usually in black or a light brown color. There is never two different fabrics in the main bag area and the inside pocket for a bag produced for Tod's boutiques. Very rarely you might find two-fabric interiors in bags made solely for their outlet stores. One example I have seen has this arrangement but it is in an entirely different fabric as well, not the usual canvas. One other lining Tod's bags may have is full leather interiors, which are popular now on many of their current styles.
In the photo below, the black bag has a beige and white tweed lining that is NOT a Tod's fabric. The authentic red bag has a sort of ridgy faille type fabric in the main compartment and the same fabric in a moire version on the interior pocket. This bag was made especially for their outlet store, and was never a floor model in a boutique.
If the bag has metal feet, they should also have screws that go all the way through the bottom leather and be visible from the interior of the bag. In the photos above, the black one does not have the screws, where the red one does.
If the bag has metal feet, they should also have screws that go all the way through the bottom leather and be visible from the interior of the bag. In the photos above, the black one does not have the screws, where the red one does.
Tod's bags that have zippers will have them in a silver finish and the underside of the zipper pull has the word "Lampo". Older Tod's bags have this written in a sort of script (see photo below of camel bag). The black bag has a copy zipper with the "Lampo" in block print as well as a "Made in Italy" label. Handbags currently available in Tod's boutiques also have the "Lampo" in a slightly different script with a zig-zag lightning bolt shape under the name, unfortunately I don't have a photo of that version. On each zipper pull, a leather tab is attached, embossed with a "T" and an ornate lion's head decoration to the right side of the "T".
Tod's bags that have zippers will have them in a silver finish and the underside of the zipper pull has the word "Lampo". Older Tod's bags have this written in a sort of script (see photo below of camel bag). The black bag has a copy zipper with the "Lampo" in block print as well as a "Made in Italy" label. Handbags currently available in Tod's boutiques also have the "Lampo" in a slightly different script with a zig-zag lightning bolt shape under the name, unfortunately I don't have a photo of that version. On each zipper pull, a leather tab is attached, embossed with a "T" and an ornate lion's head decoration to the right side of the "T".
Many Tod's bags do not have hardware, others have very limited usage. In the examples below, the hardware for the Diana bag is shown. The black (copy) bag has a very thin, uneven, inconsistent engraving of the Tod's name on the strap hardware. One end even had the name stamped crookedly. Compare it to that of the camel (authentic) bag and you will see a nice, even engraving, with thick, deeply stamped letters.
Many Tod's bags do not have hardware, others have very limited usage. In the examples below, the hardware for the Diana bag is shown. The black (copy) bag has a very thin, uneven, inconsistent engraving of the Tod's name on the strap hardware. One end even had the name stamped crookedly. Compare it to that of the camel (authentic) bag and you will see a nice, even engraving, with thick, deeply stamped letters.
Each bag has a Tod's logo embossed on the interior above or below the pocket, and sometimes on the exterior as well as seen in the photos below, again from the Diana bag. The black logo is barely embossed and is off-center in the medallion, while the camel has nice even embossing with depth to it you can feel.
Each bag has a Tod's logo embossed on the interior above or below the pocket, and sometimes on the exterior as well as seen in the photos below, again from the Diana bag. The black logo is barely embossed and is off-center in the medallion, while the camel has nice even embossing with depth to it you can feel.
Many Tod's bags also have "Made in Italy" embossed inside near the pocket. They also may have "Genuine Leather" and a date stamp imprinted there as well. According to a tod's sales associate at the Chicago boutique, the date stamp can be used to verify only the production date and is not otherwise useful for tracking a particular bag.
Many Tod's bags also have "Made in Italy" embossed inside near the pocket. They also may have "Genuine Leather" and a date stamp imprinted there as well. According to a tod's sales associate at the Chicago boutique, the date stamp can be used to verify only the production date and is not otherwise useful for tracking a particular bag.
The sleeper bags that come with Tod's handbags are a nice chocolate brown with the Tod's logo imprinted in their signature mustard/orange color. In the photo below, the top bag is the copy and features a logo that is a different, duller color, and is larger than the one below which is the authentic one.
The sleeper bags that come with Tod's handbags are a nice chocolate brown with the Tod's logo imprinted in their signature mustard/orange color. In the photo below, the top bag is the copy and features a logo that is a different, duller color, and is larger than the one below which is the authentic one.
On the replica bag, the logo has bled to the back side of the bag due to sloppy screenprinting.
The fabric on the copy also has a much lighter hand, is a rougher weave, and is not as substantial feeling as the authentic one. The authentic bag has a much smoother feel to it and is fuzzier on the inside. The drawstring cords also are different. The authentic bag (on the left) has a much thinner, finer cord, while the copy (on the right) is thicker, yellower and not as fine a weave.
An authentic handbag may also have a care card with it. A folded card in the same mustard/orange color of the logo on the bag, it features the logo on the front and a description of the leather used in the bag and how to care for it. The information is in Italian on the left and English on the right side of the interior of the card.
An authentic handbag may also have a care card with it. A folded card in the same mustard/orange color of the logo on the bag, it features the logo on the front and a description of the leather used in the bag and how to care for it. The information is in Italian on the left and English on the right side of the interior of the card.
I am hopeful that this guide has helped you to be more educated about the Tod's line of handbags, and the impeccable quality they are known for. If you have any other characteristics to add that can help others beware of merchandise that is not authentic, please contact me and I will add it to this guide.
I am hopeful that this guide has helped you to be more educated about the Tod's line of handbags, and the impeccable quality they are known for. If you have any other characteristics to add that can help others beware of merchandise that is not authentic, please contact me and I will add it to this guide.
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